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Posted by : Unknown Rabu, 02 Maret 2016

Latest on Throne Rush

Throne Rush
Show your power on the battlefield NOW! Get 5 EAGLES >> https://goo.gl/zTTN7p
Likes: 834 Shares: 78 Posted:
Throne Rush
Smash your foes with fireballs! Get 5 MAGES FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/l15Af2
Likes: 1,646 Shares: 124 Posted:
Throne Rush
Conquer new lands with invincible army! GET 40 ELVES >> https://goo.gl/h6WCWp
Likes: 1,775 Shares: 142 Posted:
Throne Rush
Destroy the enemies' castles with your army of magic creatures! Get 2 WRAITHS >> https://goo.gl/rWy6Ox
Likes: 1,953 Shares: 140 Posted:
Throne Rush
Start the battle for the Throne NOW! Get 20 ORCS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/jUiHlY
Likes: 2,102 Shares: 133 Posted:
Throne Rush
Crash your enemies with the mightiest army! Get 10 TROLLS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/4z8hDr
Likes: 2,276 Shares: 162 Posted:
Throne Rush
Show your power on the battlefield NOW! Get 5 EAGLES >> https://goo.gl/zFlZHY
Likes: 2,368 Shares: 186 Posted:
Throne Rush
Smash your foes with fireballs! Get 5 MAGES FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/8zOmjF
Likes: 2,466 Shares: 141 Posted:
Throne Rush
Conquer new lands with invincible army! GET 40 ELVES >> https://goo.gl/upiw9x
Likes: 2,343 Shares: 129 Posted:
Throne Rush
Destroy the enemies' castles with your army of magic creatures! Get 2 WRAITHS >> https://goo.gl/OPWlD6
Likes: 1,909 Shares: 69 Posted:
Throne Rush
Start the battle for the Throne NOW! Get 20 ORCS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/HGT6iy
Likes: 1,897 Shares: 56 Posted:
Throne Rush
Brave warlords! Important news > > https://goo.gl/16LAr1 Create powerful and friendly brotherhood: from now on you can help your brothers-in-arms! Speed up the process of building different constructions, heroes’ healing and units’ researching in the towns of your teammates. New section “Help” have appeared in the brotherhood’s menu. Your requests for help are shown on the top of this section, and your teammate’s requests are placed in the central part of it. Every time you start to build, heal heroes or research units this action appears in the help section. One time per 8 hours you can hurry up your teammates using the button “Ask for help”. Each request has special progress bar, which reports how many people can help you with this action. The number of supporters and the speeding up time depends on the action’s continuance. Attention: one person can help with one action only once. Important: speed-up cannot be activated automatically. You should load the game and accept the help. Information about the amount of help assistance has been added in brotherhoods’ list. All accelerated actions are calculated in this counter. The counter resets at the beginning of every week. In addition to all these facts: Your help request is sent to the brotherhood’s menu only when the action starts. The request is deleted if the player leaves the brotherhood. If you enter the brotherhood while you are already building, healing or researching, these actions are not shown in the help list. Good news: from now on, your first entry into a brotherhood is marked with a special mission. It becomes available after passing Southern Outpost. If you complete this mission, you will get precious gems for it. Those commanders, who has already become brotherhood members, can just take their reward. We also notice, that you don't need the Brotherhood House to join the clan.
Likes: 1,738 Shares: 158 Posted:
Throne Rush
Crash your enemies with the mightiest army! Get 10 TROLLS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/67dYL9
Likes: 1,907 Shares: 65 Posted:
Throne Rush
Show your power on the battlefield NOW! Get 5 EAGLES >> https://goo.gl/KHTxHZ
Likes: 2,476 Shares: 139 Posted:
Throne Rush
Smash your foes with fireballs! Get 5 MAGES FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/4ckn2t
Likes: 2,509 Shares: 146 Posted:
Throne Rush
Strike fear into enemies' minds with dreadful giants! Get a BATTLE ELEPHANT FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/85uXUt
Likes: 3,047 Shares: 320 Posted:
Throne Rush
Destroy the enemies' castles with your army of magic creatures! Get 2 WRAITHS >> https://goo.gl/FV5NwX
Likes: 1,997 Shares: 72 Posted:
Throne Rush
Start the battle for the Throne NOW! Get 20 ORCS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/b56798
Likes: 2,024 Shares: 74 Posted:
Throne Rush
Crash your enemies with the mightiest army! Get 10 TROLLS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/oGXKSQ
Likes: 2,074 Shares: 71 Posted:
Throne Rush
Show your power on the battlefield NOW! Get 5 EAGLES >> https://goo.gl/HV7qhN
Likes: 2,632 Shares: 168 Posted:
Throne Rush
Smash your foes with fireballs! Get 5 MAGES FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/Pc8TY4
Likes: 2,567 Shares: 147 Posted:
Throne Rush
Conquer new lands with invincible army! GET 40 ELVES >> https://goo.gl/46e7Oq
Likes: 2,430 Shares: 142 Posted:
Throne Rush
Destroy the enemies' castles with your army of magic creatures! Get 2 WRAITHS >> https://goo.gl/4n9yVT
Likes: 2,430 Shares: 133 Posted:
Throne Rush
Start the battle for the Throne NOW! Get 20 ORCS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/084Qtg
Likes: 2,401 Shares: 136 Posted:
Throne Rush
Crash your enemies with the mightiest army! Get 10 TROLLS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/S69jpf
Likes: 2,487 Shares: 156 Posted:
Throne Rush
Show your power on the battlefield NOW! Get 5 EAGLES >> https://goo.gl/KVSpNE
Likes: 2,558 Shares: 186 Posted:
Throne Rush
Smash your foes with fireballs! Get 5 MAGES FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/gmOvbB
Likes: 2,531 Shares: 159 Posted:
Throne Rush
Conquer new lands with invincible army! GET 40 ELVES >> https://goo.gl/smU4sB
Likes: 2,377 Shares: 149 Posted:
Throne Rush
Brave warlords! Important news >> https://goo.gl/16LAr1 Fiery Succubus is ruthless and beautiful; she can slay even the most furious warrior with a single look! Hurry up; you can recruit Fiery Succubus for a limited period!
Likes: 1,572 Shares: 108 Posted:
Throne Rush
Destroy the enemies' castles with your army of magic creatures! Get 2 WRAITHS >> https://goo.gl/A6vrNZ
Likes: 2,415 Shares: 163 Posted:
Throne Rush
Start the battle for the Throne NOW! Get 20 ORCS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/QzVcAz
Likes: 2,425 Shares: 139 Posted:
Throne Rush
Crash your enemies with the mightiest army! Get 10 TROLLS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/amgNjW
Likes: 2,556 Shares: 181 Posted:
Throne Rush
Show your power on the battlefield NOW! Get 5 EAGLES >> https://goo.gl/tYOTdj
Likes: 2,691 Shares: 181 Posted:
Throne Rush
Smash your foes with fireballs! Get 5 MAGES FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/XK4zyB
Likes: 2,623 Shares: 153 Posted:
Throne Rush
Conquer new lands with invincible army! GET 40 ELVES >> https://goo.gl/XPlZjg
Likes: 2,443 Shares: 156 Posted:
Throne Rush
Brave warlords! Read tea leaves > > https://goo.gl/16LAr1 Court augurs hurry up to forecast the nearest future! All signs point that brotherhoods are going to play the most important role in your life! The time has come to make a choice and decide which clan you will join and who will be your allies. It is rumored that you should wait for: • Mutual help among brotherhood’s members. • Bloody wars among clans for dear life. • New quests and valuable rewards. Wait for ravens: they will bring special news about updates! Moreover, do not hasten the destiny: you will get all the information in time.
Likes: 1,944 Shares: 153 Posted:
Throne Rush
Destroy the enemies' castles with your army of magic creatures! Get 2 WRAITHS >> https://goo.gl/AHky8R
Likes: 2,432 Shares: 158 Posted:
Throne Rush
Start the battle for the Throne NOW! Get 20 ORCS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/vmGwOc
Likes: 1,985 Shares: 73 Posted:
Throne Rush
Crash your enemies with the mightiest army! Get 10 TROLLS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/0RjUme
Likes: 2,042 Shares: 87 Posted:
Throne Rush
Show your power on the battlefield NOW! Get 5 EAGLES >> https://goo.gl/DYZ3zq
Likes: 2,607 Shares: 186 Posted:
Throne Rush
Smash your foes with fireballs! Get 5 MAGES FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/uW0G7x
Likes: 2,630 Shares: 162 Posted:
Throne Rush
Conquer new lands with invincible army! GET 40 ELVES >> https://goo.gl/hSyaZb
Likes: 2,487 Shares: 155 Posted:
Throne Rush
Destroy the enemies' castles with your army of magic creatures! Get 2 WRAITHS >> https://goo.gl/4ieE5H
Likes: 2,551 Shares: 170 Posted:
Throne Rush
Start the battle for the Throne NOW! Get 20 ORCS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/B3FrLZ
Likes: 2,506 Shares: 139 Posted:
Throne Rush
Burn your enemies' lands with the power of fire! Get 2 IFRITS >> https://goo.gl/Mg2DFZ
Likes: 3,076 Shares: 281 Posted:
Throne Rush
Show your power on the battlefield NOW! Get 5 EAGLES >> https://goo.gl/gp490d
Likes: 2,671 Shares: 164 Posted:
Throne Rush
Smash your foes with fireballs! Get 5 MAGES FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/7oh3pz
Likes: 2,174 Shares: 81 Posted:
Throne Rush
Conquer new lands with invincible army! GET 40 ELVES >> https://goo.gl/FUjLjf
Likes: 2,039 Shares: 86 Posted:
Throne Rush
Destroy the enemies' castles with your army of magic creatures! Get 2 WRAITHS >> https://goo.gl/tBRXsN
Likes: 2,072 Shares: 81 Posted:
Throne Rush
Start the battle for the Throne NOW! Get 20 ORCS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/RQ6SH3
Likes: 2,458 Shares: 133 Posted:
Throne Rush
Crash your enemies with the mightiest army! Get 10 TROLLS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/yKPPzf
Likes: 2,641 Shares: 163 Posted:
Throne Rush
Show your power on the battlefield NOW! Get 5 EAGLES >> https://goo.gl/16wGbG
Likes: 2,664 Shares: 176 Posted:
Throne Rush
Smash your foes with fireballs! Get 5 MAGES FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/Y84jPk
Likes: 2,690 Shares: 151 Posted:
Throne Rush
Ancient gods wish you happy Valentine's Day in Throne Rush! Get 150 MAGIC ARROWS >> https://goo.gl/Upjg2Y
Likes: 3,184 Shares: 437 Posted:
Throne Rush
Destroy the enemies' castles with your army of magic creatures! Get 2 WRAITHS >> https://goo.gl/bUpWlH
Likes: 2,579 Shares: 165 Posted:
Throne Rush
Start the battle for the Throne NOW! Get 20 ORCS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/eSMPa0
Likes: 2,552 Shares: 153 Posted:
Throne Rush
Crash your enemies with the mightiest army! Get 10 TROLLS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/8Fc15s
Likes: 2,221 Shares: 90 Posted:
Throne Rush
Show your power on the battlefield NOW! Get 5 EAGLES >> https://goo.gl/Jk8PgK
Likes: 2,743 Shares: 182 Posted:
Throne Rush
Smash your foes with fireballs! Get 5 MAGES FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/aMMYnX
Likes: 2,694 Shares: 178 Posted:
Throne Rush
Conquer new lands with invincible army! GET 40 ELVES >> https://goo.gl/hv1kkY
Likes: 2,593 Shares: 152 Posted:
Throne Rush
Brave warlords! Meet Legendary Tournament in Throne Rush > >https://goo.gl/16LAr1 The time has come! Legendary Tournament starts right NOW! Gain victories, upgrade your Ancient Temple and become the winner!
Likes: 1,791 Shares: 88 Posted:
Throne Rush
Destroy the enemies' castles with your army of magic creatures! Get 2 WRAITHS >> https://goo.gl/Qhk5xm
Likes: 2,571 Shares: 152 Posted:
Throne Rush
Start the battle for the Throne NOW! Get 20 ORCS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/AMclXO
Likes: 2,481 Shares: 157 Posted:
Throne Rush
Crash your enemies with the mightiest army! Get 10 TROLLS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/4WvMGD
Likes: 2,607 Shares: 166 Posted:
Throne Rush
Show your power on the battlefield NOW! Get 5 EAGLES >> https://goo.gl/EzaIo8
Likes: 2,712 Shares: 184 Posted:
Throne Rush
Smash your foes with fireballs! Get 5 MAGES FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/4L1Yyq
Likes: 2,681 Shares: 158 Posted:
Throne Rush
Conquer new lands with invincible army! GET 40 ELVES >> https://goo.gl/68M6G7
Likes: 2,479 Shares: 142 Posted:
Throne Rush
Destroy the enemies' castles with your army of magic creatures! Get 2 WRAITHS >> https://goo.gl/1h2KoU
Likes: 2,088 Shares: 79 Posted:
Throne Rush
Start the battle for the Throne NOW! Get 20 ORCS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/6IViXd
Likes: 2,098 Shares: 68 Posted:
Throne Rush
Strike fear into enemies' minds with dreadful giants! Get a BATTLE ELEPHANT FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/E5qgFi
Likes: 3,365 Shares: 409 Posted:
Throne Rush
Show your power on the battlefield NOW! Get 5 EAGLES >> https://goo.gl/aq4sbl
Likes: 2,732 Shares: 183 Posted:
Throne Rush
Smash your foes with fireballs! Get 5 MAGES FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/BKVmUr
Likes: 2,636 Shares: 175 Posted:
Throne Rush
Conquer new lands with invincible army! GET 40 ELVES >> https://goo.gl/qJ34Ik
Likes: 2,546 Shares: 154 Posted:
Throne Rush
Destroy the enemies' castles with your army of magic creatures! Get 2 WRAITHS >> https://goo.gl/eJv0kr
Likes: 2,634 Shares: 155 Posted:
Throne Rush
Start the battle for the Throne NOW! Get 20 ORCS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/w5uhSF
Likes: 2,539 Shares: 133 Posted:
Throne Rush
Crash your enemies with the mightiest army! Get 10 TROLLS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/HKtylz
Likes: 2,527 Shares: 149 Posted:
Throne Rush
Show your power on the battlefield NOW! Get 5 EAGLES >> https://goo.gl/Ab8qtB
Likes: 2,739 Shares: 179 Posted:
Throne Rush
Smash your foes with fireballs! Get 5 MAGES FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/7kYrcZ
Likes: 2,138 Shares: 69 Posted:
Throne Rush
Conquer new lands with invincible army! GET 40 ELVES >> https://goo.gl/QHV86n
Likes: 2,004 Shares: 67 Posted:
Throne Rush
Destroy the enemies' castles with your army of magic creatures! Get 2 WRAITHS >> https://goo.gl/ovhdgn
Likes: 2,089 Shares: 74 Posted:
Throne Rush
Start the battle for the Throne NOW! Get 20 ORCS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/XslENB
Likes: 2,618 Shares: 159 Posted:
Throne Rush
My lords and ladies! Meet the new event in Throne Rush - Blood and Valor! > > https://goo.gl/16LAr1 • The era of antique gods has come and Ancient Temple has appeared in your towns. Upgrade it and get valuable gifts: mighty warriors, destructive spells, powerful relics and amazing decorations. • You need Magic arrows for Temple upgrade. These resources can be looted on the Arena or found in Temple’s presents. Please, note: when you open your Temple gifts, you are offered to share special link with your friends. Five lucky ones, who click it first, will get Magic arrows. • The most impatient warlords can use Gorgon’s help and purchase Magic arrows from her reserve. • You also have a chance to upgrade the Temple for 5 levels straightaway! Increase this chance with Celestial energy, which can be earned in Wraith Portal. • Prepare your army for the Legendary tournament! The position in the Tournament rank depends on Temple’s level. The higher rank means more valuable rewards!
Likes: 1,912 Shares: 137 Posted:
Throne Rush
Crash your enemies with the mightiest army! Get 10 TROLLS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/Q80n0c
Likes: 2,178 Shares: 98 Posted:
Throne Rush
Show your power on the battlefield NOW! Get 5 EAGLES >> https://goo.gl/wwZsnG
Likes: 2,700 Shares: 173 Posted:
Throne Rush
Smash your foes with fireballs! Get 5 MAGES FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/8S9PdP
Likes: 2,125 Shares: 82 Posted:
Throne Rush
Conquer new lands with invincible army! GET 40 ELVES >> https://goo.gl/B1Q7kO
Likes: 2,067 Shares: 85 Posted:
Throne Rush
Destroy the enemies' castles with your army of magic creatures! Get 2 WRAITHS >> https://goo.gl/dVJLWV
Likes: 2,090 Shares: 73 Posted:
Throne Rush
Start the battle for the Throne NOW! Get 20 ORCS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/Zc9X3n
Likes: 2,084 Shares: 79 Posted:
Throne Rush
Crash your enemies with the mightiest army! Get 10 TROLLS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/UJJ1wa
Likes: 2,107 Shares: 92 Posted:
Throne Rush
Show your power on the battlefield NOW! Get 5 EAGLES >> https://goo.gl/UmIoBc
Likes: 2,216 Shares: 106 Posted:
Throne Rush
Smash your foes with fireballs! Get 5 MAGES FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/IDb96e
Likes: 2,744 Shares: 181 Posted:
Throne Rush
My lords and ladies! Riders have brought important news: https://goo.gl/16LAr1 A new great event “Blood and Valor” is approaching! Soon you will need all your army’s power to gain valuable resources and prove your superiority over the opponents! Antique gods are preparing special gifts for you: ancient warriors, elemental magic and, of course, unique relics. Wait for ravens that will usher in a beginning of the event!
Likes: 1,711 Shares: 132 Posted:
Throne Rush
Burn your enemies' lands with the power of fire! Get 2 IFRITS >> https://goo.gl/uJ8fCE
Likes: 3,115 Shares: 303 Posted:
Throne Rush
Destroy the enemies' castles with your army of magic creatures! Get 2 WRAITHS >> https://goo.gl/V1xEF5
Likes: 2,644 Shares: 183 Posted:
Throne Rush
Start the battle for the Throne NOW! Get 20 ORCS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/9UMI6B
Likes: 2,453 Shares: 152 Posted:
Throne Rush
Crash your enemies with the mightiest army! Get 10 TROLLS FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/XXhH3E
Likes: 2,585 Shares: 157 Posted:
Throne Rush
Show your power on the battlefield NOW! Get 5 EAGLES >> https://goo.gl/LqSDis
Likes: 2,659 Shares: 185 Posted:
Throne Rush
Smash your foes with fireballs! Get 5 MAGES FOR FREE >> https://goo.gl/gHuzSp
Likes: 2,664 Shares: 166 Posted:
Throne Rush
Conquer new lands with invincible army! GET 40 ELVES >> https://goo.gl/Wd6icB
Likes: 2,528 Shares: 162 Posted:
Throne Rush
Destroy the enemies' castles with your army of magic creatures! Get 2 WRAITHS >> https://goo.gl/byOcsF
Likes: 2,588 Shares: 174 Posted:

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